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03 May, 2023


MTP Kit - View Contradictions, Administration, Benefits, Risks, Effects

MTP kits have safe medications to terminate pregnancies. Cheap MTP kit medications - Mifepristone and Misoprostol are safe and very beneficial to eliminating first-trimester pregnancies, provided they are obtained and used under the proper guidance of a licensed doctor. 

Conditions that are Unfavourable to Using MTP Kits 

A few medical conditions that are not compatible when you buy MTP kit online USA and use it, or those that need prior-medical attention before using the kit, are stated below:

  • A pregnancy that is older than 12 weeks of fertilization (Count the number of days from the first day of your last menstruation cycle before pregnancy)
  • A growing pregnancy, where the implantation of the fertilized egg has taken place outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy) 
  • A pregnant woman who is tested negative during Rh factor testing (needs a Rho(D) immune globulin injection before a medical abortion)
  • An Intra-Uterine Device in the body (needs to be ejected before administering Mifepristone and Misoprostol)
  • Allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to abortion pills in the MTP kit online (will cause hives, itching, swelling, etc. of the face, throat, etc.) 
  • Severe disorders of the lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., failure of the adrenal glands, porphyria, extreme anemia, problem in blood clotting, etc.
  • Undergoing any other medication or treatment that will disturb the working of the MTP kit.

Administration of the Abortion Drugs in the MTP Kit

If you are less than 12 weeks pregnant, then it is recommended to buy MTP Kit online for abortion.

  • Unbox the MTP kit. You will find 5 medicines sealed in a double-aluminum blister pack. Identify the single pill as Mifepristone 200 mg tablet and the four other pills as 200 mcg Misoprostol.
  • On the day of starting the medical abortion, take the Mifepristone and consume it orally. Take great care to not accidentally chew or break the tablet. 
  • Wait for the first pill to start working. For maximum benefit, wait for 24 hours - 48 hours before using Misoprostol.
  • On day two or three of medical abortion, insert four pills of Misoprostol into the vagina using your fingers. The effect of the pills will be seen in about 1 to 4 hours of administration.

Top 5 Benefits of an Online MTP Kit (Medical Abortion)

  • Easy to handle and gives maximum utility when used as per the doctor’s instructions.
  • Budget-friendly product and saves spending on expensive surgeries.
  • The only method to end your conceptions safely and effectively is at home. 
  • Use of FDA-certified abortion drugs - Mifepristone and Misoprostol, that have over 90% success rate.
  • No fear of tearing or scarring tissues of the uterus, cervix, or other injuries. 

Possible Risks and Disadvantages of Using an MTP Kit (Medical Abortion) 

  • Longer duration of side effects (like bleeding, cramps) than a surgical abortion like vacuum aspiration, D&E, etc.
  • Requires visiting a clinic more than once (for pre-abortion medical examination, follow-up visit, and more visits if you choose to take the pills at the clinic)
  • An incomplete end to abortion, i.e., parts of pregnancy tissues remaining inside the uterus. It is treated through an additional dosage of abortifacients or surgery.
  • Too much bleeding 

Few Expected Outcomes of Using an MTP Kit 

·      Vaginal bleeding that may last for about a couple of weeks

·      Cramping due to the contractions in the uterus pumps out the tissues

·      Lack of energy, feeling tired, dizzy, or exhausted

·      Diarrheal, headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc.

The common remedy to these problems is taking enough rest or eating suitable painkillers after speaking to your doctor. In case your condition does not get better in a few days, or still, worsens then get immediate medical help. 

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