Gestation is one of the essential stages of a womans life. It occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg after it got released from the ovary during ovulation. This fertilized egg drops down in the cervix, where a small bud occurs and, this process produces in gestation. The pregnancy takes 40 weeks to complete the process. When a woman is pregnant, she undergoes many factors that affect her pregnancy or the body; this might result in having a healthy pregnancy or a healthy baby. The most important and critical stage of pregnancy is the first trimester, where a woman has to maintain her pregnancy carefully.
The first trimester of phase is the early pregnancy phase, which begins from the first day when a woman missed her last period that lasts till the end of the 13th week. It is a critical process and a great time that makes several changes in a woman's life and body. This change not only occurs in a woman, but it also affects a rapid change in the baby. So we are going to explain and provide helpful information about the changes that occur in pregnancy.
Every woman’s experience with pregnancy is different, whereas some women get the glow with excellent health till three months or some might face more difficulties. Below are the most common changes that a woman might notice during the first trimester. In the below information, we will be explaining what they mean and which is harmful to pregnancy where you need to call a doctor.
• Bleeding: There is 25% of pregnant women experience slight bleeding during the first trimester. In early gestation, it is okay if a woman might observe light spotting as it is a sign that fertilization has taken place in the uterus. But if a woman gets heavy bleeding, cramps in the belly, then she should immediately to the doctor.
• Breast Tenderness: Experiencing sore breast is one of the common signs of early pregnancy, this happens when there are hormonal changes. This hormonal change is preparing milk duck for a baby to feed. So a woman may experience a sore breast until the first trimester ends.
• Constipation: In pregnancy, high levels of progesterone hormone slow down the contraction of muscles, which smoothly passes out the food through the system. So to avoid constipation a woman should add more fiber and extra liquids to keep the digestion smooth throughout the pregnancy.
• Fatigue: A pregnant woman's body works hard for two people at a time that means she can get tired easily than usual. So it is important to take naps properly whenever you feel sleepy.
• Peeing a lot: It is a major sign that a woman experience in her pregnancy. The tiny development of the baby increases day-by-day, which means that the uterus is growing and putting pressure on the bladder. It may make you feel that you need to pee all the time. So avoid drinking the fluids that are not required for you.
In the first 13th week of pregnancy, the baby makes several minute changes that might not be much noticeable. The new baby makes a change from a fertilized egg to a completely- shaped fetus; where all the major organs and systems form a figure, which means the baby could get hurt if you consume any local meds.
• The fertilized egg comes together and forms a rapidly-dividing cell that is embedded in the uterus, where the amniotic sac, placenta as well as umbilical cord begin to develop.
• The baby nervous system transforms from an open neural tube to the brain and spinal cord. Wherein, the nerves and muscles begin to work together.
• Then hearts takes shapes and begin to beat, which you can hear by ultrasound at the 6th week.
• The baby begins to develop a digestive system, intestine, and kidneys.
• The fetus begins to look like a baby, and genital starts to develop.